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Demark 发表于 2006-3-9 00:27:00 | 显示全部楼层
<>Sorry I am replying in English since I am using my company PC to reply, I can not type Chinese on this computer.

<>Someone please translate for me.

<>I am in America, also suffered from Psoriasis, I guess waiting for the "Country" to find a cure for Psoriasis is hopeless. America has a very good legal system and a lot of money to put into research on new drugs for Psoriasis. Even that, there is little or no hope that Americans can find the cure for Psoriasis. The new drugs they have found so far are all the drugs we think will either cause a severe rebound or cancer. So we have this forum reminding people to use any drugs cautiously.

<>eople have advanced very very little in medical field comparing with electronics and information technology. We don't have a cure for most of the disease, I could say 99.999% of the disease are not curable by modern medicine. Psoriasis is particularly difficult to be treated, so counting on "government" is not a wise thing to do.

<>I hate to say this, but, let face it, psoriasis is a disease with no cure for now, and I would bet that even in 100 years, there would be no cure. Modern medicine is really a joke.

<>Our hope is on the body itself to recover slowly.

Demark 发表于 2006-3-9 23:06:00 | 显示全部楼层
Thanks, GanLan, for your translation. Excellent!
Demark 发表于 2006-3-15 04:02:00 | 显示全部楼层
< 0cm 0cm 0pt">大人物肯定有得银屑病的,抗不住了就退出政坛了。

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