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KARE 发表于 2009-2-16 15:11:00 | 显示全部楼层 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式

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New genetic markers of psoriasis revealed

In the largest and most technologically advanced study of its kind, researchers have identified seven DNA "hotspots" that may reveal the role genetics plays in the development of psoriasis.

The study—conducted by Foundation supported scientists from the University of Michigan, University of Utah and Washington University in St. Louis, Mo.—revealed additional genetic components that contribute to the risks of developing psoriasis.

The researchers studied 1,359 psoriasis samples to determine which DNA changes, called single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), were common among the samples. They then compared those common variations against at least 1,400 healthy samples (controls). After this first phase, they expanded the study to include 5,048 psoriasis samples and 5,051 controls to confirm psoriasis-related DNA changes.

"This fantastic new research brings us closer to understanding the complete genetic contribution to psoriasis," said Bruce Bebo Jr., director of research for the National Psoriasis Foundation. "In addition, these findings revealed a number of potential new psoriasis targets for treatments."

The seven common DNA variants, or SNPs, that have strong associations with psoriasis identified in the study are:

Interleukin-23A (IL23A), IL23R, IL12, IL4 and IL13—immune signaling molecules that control the strength and type of immune response

TNFAIP3 and TNIP1—genes that are activated by an immune signaling molecule called tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-alpha), a known target for psoriasis modifying drugs.

Bebo said the Psoriasis Foundation contributed to the study by providing DNA samples from the Foundation's Tissue Bank, which was established in 1994 to house genetic material for psoriasis researchers.

The Foundation now collects genetic samples through the National Psoriasis Victor Henschel BioBank, created in 2006 to gather DNA to further study the genetics of psoriasis and increase understanding of the disease.

"There is still a long way to go to completely understand the contribution of genetics to psoriasis," Bebo said. "Donating your DNA to the BioBank—a sample of blood and a swab from your cheek—gives researchers access to the samples they need to complete this study and ultimately find a cure."

To donate DNA to the National Psoriasis BioBank, visit www.stoppsoriasis.org or call 800.723.9166, ext. 372 to learn more.

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 楼主| KARE 发表于 2009-2-16 17:35:00 | 显示全部楼层
我只是提供外文资讯,简单地copy and paste. 翻译较花时间,毕竟楼上办了,谢谢。

张贴此文的目的是让各位比较前些时候所发表的合肥大学张教授的有关“易感基因”。到底是谁走在前面。有一点不同于外国的是:到底离开cure 有多远。张教授只字不提,让我们这些不大懂科学的是否今生今世有所期待。而NPF的文章里引用了Bebo 的话“还有很长的路要走,才能完全理解遗传学对银屑病的贡献。”这至少说明短期内10~20年不会有 cure.

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